HVAC Installation Services: What To Expect

July 22, 2024

Your HVAC system is essential to maintaining a relaxed and comfortable home atmosphere. It’s the first line of defense against shifting and extreme temperatures. When the heat waves arrive, or the cold winds blow, you’ll be happy to have a high-quality HVAC.

Knowing what to expect from an HVAC installation will give you the confidence to invest in these necessary systems. While many know their importance, they may not understand everything that goes into an installation. At ProFlo, we’re passionate about sharing our expertise with homeowners, helping them with premium HVAC and plumbing repair!

We’re experts in models of all types and sizes and can easily integrate a premium HVAC system into your home. This article explores the step-by-step process for HVAC installation, including what you can do to prepare beforehand.

Prepare Your Home

Remove any furniture from the workspace, especially antique or highly valuable pieces, that your technicians may be hesitant to handle themselves. When your team can easily move about the space, ferrying equipment back and forth as needed, they can complete your HVAC installation quickly.

Pets and children can pose an issue to our maintenance team. They may injure themselves or our technicians during the process. Ensure any pets or small children are away from the installation area, so our team can move and work freely.

Preparing your space before heater and AC installation will save our HVAC technicians precious time, delivering the desired service sooner. We also recommend protecting your furniture with a durable covering, as the installation process can kick up dust.

AC Maintenance Estimates

Before scheduling your HVAC services, it’s essential to consider the various repair options to find the most cost-effective approach. While you may only need a simple AC repair, such as replacing a single component, scheduling an AC replacement may be more efficient. 

You should obtain multiple HVAC installation estimates from various trusted companies and compare them to find the best balance between value and cost. Then, discuss with your contractor which units best fit your needs. We recommend one based on square footage, insulation, and the local climate.

Maintenance Options

The right estimate will fit neatly into your budget while adequately addressing your HVAC needs, ensuring you get the most value for your investment. We recommend getting a minimum of four HVAC installation estimates.

Find the Right Technician

To confidently decide on the right technician, schedule visits from each one and consult them on your project. Allow each to conduct an assessment, observing their expertise in action to better make your decision. Once you’ve found the right technician, they’ll complete detailed measurements to recommend a suitable unit.

The final estimate should be dated and signed and include all costs for the air conditioner replacement or heater installation. This data includes project duration, itemized fees, HVAC unit costs, and additional clean-up costs.

You’re looking for a balance between experience and affordability. The right technician will complete a flawless job the first time, saving you time and money.

Model Types and Sizes

Your contractor will provide ample information, but it couldn’t hurt to research suitable HVAC units based on your property size. If you install an ill-fitted air conditioner or heating unit, it won’t be able to maintain the desired temperature. Even worse, it’ll cause higher-than-necessary energy bills.

HVAC systems with Energy STAR certification and other energy-efficient ratings will guarantee an eco-friendly system that keeps your home comfortable without wasting energy. These ratings provide insight into the efficiency and longevity of your HVAC unit.

Proper Installation

Once everything is complete—estimates, contractor, and preparation—it’s time to complete your HVAC installation! Whether AC installation, heater replacement, or another service, the process will be relatively the same. It begins with our technicians assessing and setting up the space.

We’ll cut the power to your HVAC system, ensuring maximum safety while working, and remove any old equipment and refrigerant. If completing an air conditioner repair, we’ll replace these components with new ones to get your system back in working order.

Depending on the complexity of the repair, your project may extend into the next day. However, most HVAC repair services can be completed within a day. Depending on the desired unit, we may complete an indoor and outdoor installation of HVAC systems.

Throughout the installation process, ProFlo’s HVAC technicians can complete minor repairs, such as electrical upgrades, wall studs, drywall, and other unexpected repairs. When finished, your home unit will efficiently maintain the desired atmosphere. Call ProFlo today at 951-694-1300 or contact us online for a free estimate.

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