It’s Hot Out There – Here’s How to Avoid Overloading Your HVAC System

September 29, 2022

With warm-weather days becoming more common, many households are seeing increased usage of their HVAC system. Overusing your air conditioning unit can sometimes result in your system overloading and malfunctioning if the proper measures haven’t been taken. This is the last thing any homeowner wants, especially on a day of extreme heat. Fortunately, homeowners can avoid overloading their HVAC system simply by being proactive and taking steps to keep their unit healthy and free of issues.  

Replace Your Air Filters

Air filters perform the vital function of preserving your indoor air quality by trapping contaminants like dust, mold and dirt. However, your filters can get dirty quickly and become clogged with contaminants over time. A clogged air filter doesn’t just worsen your HVAC unit’s performance – it can also cause your HVAC system to overheat and eventually break down, requiring a repair.  

Avoid dirty filters by replacing them every 90 days. If you have pets, children or older adults in your home, you might even want to switch your filters out every 60 days to err on the safe side. 

Schedule Regular Maintenance 

While you can do a lot by yourself to keep your HVAC unit functioning smoothly without hiccups, getting help from qualified technicians who know what they’re doing will ultimately make the most significant impact. An HVAC unit is complex and the best option to take care of it will always be experienced professionals who understand its intricacies. Regular maintenance from an HVAC service will preserve your system’s excellent condition, prolonging its high-level performance and lifespan.  

Maintain Your Outdoor Unit

Ensuring that your HVAC system doesn’t overload will entail looking after every aspect, including its outdoor unit. Your HVAC’s outdoor unit is particularly pivotal during warm days as it cools your home by taking the heat from your property and releasing it outside. 

A malfunction to your outdoor unit can occur for various reasons, such as a blockage in the vents or dirty condenser coils. Whatever the issue is, ProFlo HVAC knows how to look after every part of your outdoor unit and provide it with the care it needs. We’ll keep critical components like your condenser operating as intended by cleaning areas like the compressor unit and coils and removing any debris causing an obstruction.

Replace Your Old Unit

Ultimately, maintenance and repairs can only go so far. At some point, old age will catch up to your HVAC unit, and no amount of maintenance and repair work will be able to get it back to what it once was. If your HVAC system is over 15 years old, it may be time to consider replacing it. Newer model HVAC units are more durable and efficient than their predecessors, meaning you won’t have to worry about the health of your system nearly as much as you currently do. 

Avoid an ill-timed HVAC malfunction by working with ProFlo HVAC and using our HVAC maintenance and AC repairs. Our HVAC contractors are the best in the business and know how to keep your unit healthy and free of any long-term performance problems. There are no better hands for Murrieta, Temecula and Canyon Lake homeowners to trust their HVAC system than ProFlo, thanks to our many years of experience delivering high-quality work and exceptional customer service. See for yourself just how good our team is by turning to us for your next HVAC maintenance project and calling us at (951) 694-1300 or visiting us online.

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